Starting the New Year with a BANG!
Happy New Year! Our 2010 has definitely started out with a bang. First, my sweet niece, Blair, has her first cold. This is the first time she has been sick since she was born, and she is just pitiful. It breaks my heart to not see her crawling around at warp speed with a huge grin on her face.
This is Blair pre-cold. Isn't she the cutest? This is what you get for "say cheese!"

January 1. My hubby and I are out checking on cows and we have one in labor. We couldn't get close to her to tell who she was, but it was late and dark when we saw her and we decided to check on her in the morning.
January 2. We hurry out to the pasture to check on our new baby! However, we did not find one. We found our precious "Junior" as I have dubbed her, still in labor. (Junior is the baby of the very first cow we bought, Gyrtle. She had a baby by her side, aptly named Gyrtle Junior.) So, poor Junior is still in labor and it is obvious that she is having some serious difficulties. We knew we were going to have to pull the baby and at this point I am pretty excited to get to see all of this happen. However, sweet Junior had a different plan in mind and she did not want us near her. This resulted in me running around like a crazy person in a mud-frozen pasture chasing this dadgum dear cow.
At this point, I notice a pain in my side. It is now pushing 26 degrees outside and I think it is just because I am cold. Wrong. The pain gets worse and I end up having to go inside while my hubby and the vet tend to dear Junior.
At this point, I notice a pain in my side. It is now pushing 26 degrees outside and I think it is just because I am cold. Wrong. The pain gets worse and I end up having to go inside while my hubby and the vet tend to dear Junior.
As soon as Ben comes in, we check my temp and it is 100.7. Ben was getting ready to go to the hospital before I could even say I had a temperature. So we packed up and went to Erlanger in Chattanooga and spent several hours in the ER. After x-rays, cat scans, and blood tests, we still didn't know what was wrong and I needed surgery. I felt like I was on Grey's Anatomy when the surgeon and his residents were telling me I needed to have exploratory surgery. I knew at any minute that Christina Yang was going to pop around the corner with a scalpel and cut me then and there. She didn't, but thank goodness we did the surgery because I had a pretty bad infection in my abdomen. They took out my appendix anyway so I won't ever have worry about it. I am feeling much better now and recovering at home!
I had heard about this through Ashlee (well, not the part about the cow, which - by the way - I hope Junior was able to have Junior Junior successfully.) Anyways, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that... Glad you are feeling better! (And Blair, too!)