Dogs and Dogs
As I mentioned before, my mom helped me make over two hundred cookies for my friend, Georgia's, wedding. I was a little worried about getting them all done in a timely manner since my oven in my house is about 1'x1'. Therefore, I did some pro bono catering helping and forced mom into destroying her kitchen in return! Good deal, huh?!?
We made dogs (a Maltese for Georgia's Oliver),

and more dogs (a Labrador for Josh's Buster).

We rolled,

and cut,

and cut,

and cut some more!

See those big pans? Those were key in making two hundred cookies. Where I would have been able to cook two at a time in my tiny oven, we could cook many more in mom's!

And let me return to this picture.
This is what happens when you eat too many cookies.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and cookies are decorated, laid out, and ready to be packaged!


and Buster!

At the wedding

And on top of the cake that my mom also made!

We had such a good time doing these and I can't wait for my next cookie adventure!