The Best Company
Mom and Dad always come up for the opening dove shoot and we always have a wonderful time. We took them to the fabulous Canyon Grill and we enjoyed their company as much as the delicious food.

My Mother and Father-in-law went with us. Ben was there too, but we all know how pictures of him turn out.

While the boys were hunting, the girls went went to a local ice cream store where they have these flying in front of the shop. It is quite the unique little area :)

(Yes, those are massive pink lace-textured panties flying on a pole)
Belle is a girl after my own heart. She loved this ice cream cone and was too cute while she was eating it.
I have the best mom and mother-in-law. I love that they love spending time together and are great friends. It makes for such pleasant visits - I actually have to fight for time with my parents when they come to visit. I really think when they come to "visit" me they really are coming to visit my in-laws!

I can't wait for the next visit!
What fun that your parents and inlaws get along so well! I know your parents enjoy visiting them and YOU! (... especially if you make some of those yummy cookies for them!!!)
Love reading your blog - I'm just catching up on some blog reading. I laughed out loud when I read this entry's comment about "and we all know how pictures of Ben turn out." Ha! You're so funny!