Cookies Galore
Lucky for me, I have been super busy making cookies lately. I have made a few new designs and completed my first big order all by my lonesome. I have been planning in advance when I need to do certain things and this has helped my stress level immensely. I am trying not to get behind because this chickadee needs all the sleep that she can get. I don't know how my mom stays up until 4 in the morning doing catering things. I literally would fall over and be the crabbiest person in the world the next day. I am an eight hour a night girl so my schedule has helped me maintain my sleep too!
First up I had my big cookie order. I was completely honored to be asked by my best friend Georgia's company to supply the cookies for goodie baskets for some of their clients. I made 375 hammers and screwdrivers for the "Right Tools" baskets.

I also had my first cookie shipping! Thanks to Katie for being my shipping guinea pig. Her little Reese turned one and had animal themed cookies for his big day.

My personal favorite, the blue bird.

Now on to family birthday parties! John Thomas turned six and he wanted a Titanic themed birthday party. His mom surprised him with these cookies. I think he liked them! He always catches me in the process of baking cookies and wants a snack when he comes over. They aren't nearly as good as they are with all of that sugary icing on them. I am sure he appreciated being able to eat cookies that had icing on them! I am surprised I haven't gone into a cookie coma yet. I always seem to have a couple extra that don't need to go to waste!
Here are his Titanic cookies
He also had anchors!
Lillie Kate turned 5 and had a groovy party. She told me she wanted groovy cookies and groovy cookies is what she got! Excuse the quality of these pictures. I took these at 5am and it was dark outside still.
Cute lin!!!!
I like the groovy ones!
and they're YUMMY too!
Lin- honestly, every time I read a new post and see your creations, I am more and more impressed. You are so talented. I "attempted" to make lingerie cookies for a bridal shower and while decent, you would die laughing. I am going to send your blog post to all my mommy friends in Jacksonville. I am sure they would love it!! Congrats!!