Where has the time gone?!? Two months old is not possible! You are still the sweetest baby in the whole world. You are getting so big and changing every day. When I pick you up in the mornings I think, "Oh my goodness, you gained weight overnight!"
You are trying to sleep through the night. You slept for seven hours two nights but you are starting to wake up just once around two or three and then again around six. Speaking of sleeping, you are like your mama sleeping with your hands above your head. I usually don't swaddle you during naps and your arms are always up.
Hands up and feet crossed!
You also have started hiding under your covers. I have to keep a eye on you because you will have your head completely covered in no time.
Yes, there is a baby under there! (And I have her Angelcare on her too!)
You went to the Atlanta zoo with your cousin Blair for the first time. As you can tell from the picture, you were enthralled.
We were also very excited when Georgia came to visit! We are ready to visit her in Atlanta next time!
You are still nursing and you have had a bottle a couple of times. You did just as well as I thought you would and sucked it down in no time. We gave you three ounces the first time and you acted like you drank a bottle every day. I am a tiny bit scared that you are going to realize that a bottle is much more efficient than nursing!

We took you to the doctor on your two month birthday and they gave your three shots. Of course you were upset, but you were back to your chipper self in no time. I think the worst part of the whole experience was seeing those huge alligator tears. We took you last week and they couldn't give you your shots yet because you weren't two months old yet. I had them weigh you since we were there and you weighed 10 pounds. When we took you back exactly a week later you weighed 10 pounds, 8 oz. That puts on on the 90th percentile for weight for height! Dr. D says that is just fine since breastfed babies tend to be chubby!
You are wearing size 1 diapers and filling out your 0-3 month clothes very nicely. I just bought size 2 diapers since you are growing like a weed. Before too much longer, you are going to be outgrowing those!
Your personality is shining through more and more each day. We have the best time in the morning after your first feeding and you smile and coo. We are blessed with your precious smile often when we talk to you.
You absolutely love playing in your crib and watching your mobile. You will stay in there for ten or fifteen minutes just smiling and kicking around while it plays music.
We thought you were going to have green eyes, but they are still the most beautiful shade of blue. Maybe they will stay that way and be as beautiful as your Aunt Mo's and Papa's.
You are keeping your head up like a big girl and you don't mind tummy time very much. A couple of minutes is all you like, but it helps you build up those muscles!
Bath time is a treat for all three of us - your GT says I am going to scrub your skin off. We have to be mindful of when we have bath times because you still like to dirty up your water :)
You also went to church for the first time and you were so funny watching the sermon be delivered. You looked as if you understood exactly what every word meant!
And you were precious in your monogrammed bloomers!!!
Here is a video of you talking during our morning playtime. We have the most fun early in the morning!
We love you so very much sweet Faegan! We look forward every day to seeing what surprises you have in store for us!
Mama and Daddy