Labor Pains
It's official. I now know what daddy's feel like when their wives are in labor and they are waiting on the birth of their infants.
We are at day 22 and still no chickens.
However, after a million visits to my incubator, I do have some activity. I had a little movin' and shakin' yesterday afternoon. I was really excited about that, however what was more exciting happened this morning at 5:15. I thought I was hallucinating, but no, I wasn't.... I have PEEPING!! They are peeping from within their shells!!! Can I call work and tell them I can't come in because my eggs are about to hatch?!?
Aw Lin!!! you're gonna miss your babys' births!!!! Babys'? not babies... Idk.
I hope you get to see at least one of fourty something hatch!
babies' mo.
I can't wait for the biddies!
How fun!
you must have chickens coming out of your ears by now!!! Update!!!