28 Weeks
I took a much needed trip to the beach this past week for Spring Break and now I can't wait for Summer to get here! My mom was able to go with me and it was lovely to be able to spend some relaxing time with her. I was able to go back to Georgia with her for a couple of days and spend some time with my parents, Mo, Ash, and Blair. We had a family reunion as well so I got to see some extended family too. I didn't want to leave the beach or my parent's house, and I especially didn't want to leave the company of my family! Seeing them for a week at a time makes me realize how much I miss them.
Ok, back to the baby. Sorry for all of the belly pictures. I do these mainly for my memory and also for my family since they aren't here to see me grow!
Here I am at 27 Weeks:
I am now 28 weeks!

Ben and I were talking this week and he said something about her getting here in four months.... I told him he needed to recalculate! We are working on a little less then three months until we get to meet our sweet baby girl. Ben and I have a lot of change facing us right now and I am trying to remain stress free. Three months is a long time, right?!?
Total weight gain: 18 pounds (yes, I ate everything in sight at the beach. Thanks for the strawberry cake, Mom!)
She has started moving my whole stomach when she moves. Last night I was lying on the sofa and Ben was watching my belly move and his facial expressions were priceless. I wish I had taken pictures of the shocked and slightly grossed out face. She was moving both sides of my stomach and Ben says it is "alien-like".
I have been sleeping well, but I left my wedge pillow that I stick under my stomach at my parent's house and I didn't realize how much I loved that thing.
I am in all maternity clothes minus a few tops that I have bought in a size larger to accommodate my growing belly. I think the most exciting thing this week was having her move so much when I am on my side. It is so weird to see your stomach moving so much!
I am in all maternity clothes minus a few tops that I have bought in a size larger to accommodate my growing belly. I think the most exciting thing this week was having her move so much when I am on my side. It is so weird to see your stomach moving so much!
It was great to see you at Mossy Creek. You look great (you know this is Eunice!)
You look great, Lin! So beautiful!
Cute outfit lin! We'll be seeing you in a few weeks!