23 Weeks

23 Weeks!
Little Miss weighs about one pound and is the size of a mango.
I am still feeling wonderful (aside from the fact that I really am not digging this whole weight gain thing) Total weight gain: 14 pounds
She really has started moving more consistently. She was moving just at certain times of the day, but now I feel her all throughout the day. She isn't really kicking me, just moving around. I am feeling her a little higher now, but it could be her arms. Still all movement on the right side, so I am thinking she is still sitting prim and proper and head up.

I have been having some super weird dreams - mostly about pregnancy. I have been beating poor Ben up in my sleep (which isn't all that unusual!) and I semi-successful at sleeping on my sides. No more stomach sleeping for me right now - she and I both are too uncomfortable.

She has a painted nursery and a crib sans mattress! Fabric is on order and my dear mother-in-law and I are going to venture into sewing baby bedding. I'm sure I will be much more of an observer than a sewer, but I can't wait to start putting it together! Stay tuned for a nursery post when I get it all together!

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